Sample Name:
Flower, Inhalable
Date Issued:
Overall Batch Result:
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Safety Analysis - Summary
Heavy Metals: Pass
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COA ID: 250212R009-001
For quality assurance purposes. Not a Regulatory Compliance Testing Certificate. These results relate only to the sample included on this report. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
Sample Certification: California Code of Regulations Title 4 Division 19. Department of Cannabis Control Business and Professions Code. Reference: Sections 26100, 26104 and 26110, Business and Professions Code.
Decision Rule: Statements of conformity (e.g. Pass/Fail) to specifications are made in this report without taking measurement uncertainty into account. Where statements of conformity are made in this report, the following decision rules are applied: PASS - Results within limits/specifications, FAIL - Results exceed limits/specifications.
References: limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), not detected (ND), not tested (NT), μg/g = ppm, μg/kg = ppb
SC Laboratories California LLC. | 100 Pioneer Street, Suite E, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 | (866) 435-0709 | | C8-0000013-LIC | ISO/IES 17025:2017 PJLA Accreditation Number 87168