Certificate of Analysis

Sample Name:

Eir Health Oil No. 30 Broad Spectrum

Infused, Hemp

Date Issued:


Serving Size:

1 milliliters

Total THC Not Detected
Total CBD 2983.950 mg/unit
Sum Cannabinoids 3214.920 mg/unit
Total Cannabinoids 3214.920 mg/unit
Total Terpenoids 0.8215%
Top 3 Terpenoids
  1. Myrcene 0.3761%
  2. Limonene 0.1600%
  3. β-Caryophyllene 0.1114%

Sample Information

Sample Details

Sample ID:231116P020

Batch Number:DR10523311A

Cultivator / Manufacturer

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Distributor / Tested For

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Cannabinoid Analysis - Summary

Total THC: Not Detected

Total CBD: 2983.950 mg/unit

Sum of Cannabinoids: 3214.920 mg/unit

Total Cannabinoids: 3214.920 mg/unit

Density:0.9545 g/mL

Total THC/CBD is calculated using the following formulas to take into account the loss of a carboxyl group during the decarboxylation step:
Total THC = Δ9-THC + (THCa (0.877))
Total CBD = CBD + (CBDa (0.877))

Sum of Cannabinoids = Δ9-THC + THCa + CBD + CBDa + CBG + CBGa + THCV + THCVa + CBC + CBCa + CBDV + CBDVa + Δ8-THC + CBL + CBN

Total Cannabinoids = (Δ9-THC+0.877*THCa) + (CBD+0.877*CBDa) + (CBG+0.877*CBGa) + (THCV+0.877*THCVa) + (CBC+0.877*CBCa) + (CBDV+0.877*CBDVa) + Δ8-THC + CBL + CBN

Sum of Cannabinoids: The concentration of each individual cannabinoid added together as they are, without accounting for decarboxylation. This measurement is of particular importance for certain cannabis products that are not intended to be heated prior to application or consumption.

Total Cannabinoids: The concentration of each acidic cannabinoid, multiplied by 0.877 to account for the loss of molecular mass that happens as it is converted to a neutral cannabinoid when heated. Then this calculated concentration is added to the concentrations of the corresponding neutral cannabinoid already present. This corrected data is of particular importance to both producers and consumers of products intended to be heated prior to application or consumption.

Terpenoid Analysis - Summary

39 tested, Top 3 Highlighted

Total Terpenoids: 0.8215%



Myrcene (0.3761%)


Limonene (0.1600%)


β-Caryophyllene (0.1114%)

Safety Analysis - Summary

Pesticides: ND

Heavy Metals: ND

View Complete Test Results:

Tested by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection (HPLC-DAD).

Method: QSP 1157 - Analysis of Cannabinoids by HPLC-DAD


Total THC: Not Detected


Total CBD: 2983.950 mg/unit


Total Cannabinoids: 3214.920 mg/unit

Total CBG: 43.830 mg/unit

Total CBG (CBG+0.877*CBGa)

Total THCV: ND

Total THCV (THCV+0.877*THCVa)

Total CBC: 102.720 mg/unit

Total CBC (CBC+0.877*CBCa)

Total CBDV: 37.890 mg/unit

Total CBDV (CBDV+0.877*CBDVa)

Learn more

The cannabis plant contains dozens of active compounds called cannabinoids. These compounds are the primary contributors to the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

Cannabinoid testing determines the potency of a sample to aid in dosage considerations.

Cannabinoid Test Results


Result Views

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Compound LOD/LOQ
Cannabidiol (CBD) 0.004 / 0.011 ±3.7100 99.465 10.4206
Cannabichromene (CBC) 0.003 / 0.010 ±0.1103 3.424 0.3587
Cannabigerol (CBG) 0.002 / 0.006 ±0.0709 1.461 0.1531
Cannabidivarin (CBDV) 0.002 / 0.012 ±0.0515 1.263 0.1323
Cannabinol (CBN) 0.001 / 0.007 ±0.0343 1.194 0.1251
Cannabicyclol (CBL) 0.003 / 0.010 ±0.0132 0.357 0.0374
Δ9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9THC) 0.002 / 0.014 N/A ND ND
∆8 Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ8THC) 0.01 / 0.02 N/A ND ND
Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THCa) 0.001 / 0.005 N/A ND ND
Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) 0.002 / 0.012 N/A ND ND
Tetrahydrocannabivarinic Acid (THCVa) 0.002 / 0.019 N/A ND ND
Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDa) 0.001 / 0.026 N/A ND ND
Cannabidivarinic Acid (CBDVa) 0.001 / 0.018 N/A ND ND
Cannabigerolic Acid (CBGa) 0.002 / 0.007 N/A ND ND
Cannabichromenic Acid (CBCa) 0.001 / 0.015 N/A ND ND
SUM OF CANNABINOIDS 107.164 mg/mL 11.2272%
Unit Mass:

30 milliliters


Serving Size:

1 milliliters

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Δ9-THC per Unit ND
Δ9-THC per Serving ND
Total THC per Unit ND
Total THC Per Serving ND
CBD per Unit 2983.950 mg/unit
CBD per Serving 99.465 mg/serving
Total CBD per Unit 2983.950 mg/unit
Total CBD per Serving 99.465 mg/serving
Sum of Cannabinoids per Unit 3214.920 mg/unit
Sum of Cannabinoids per Serving 107.164 mg/serving
Total Cannabinoids per Unit 3214.920 mg/unit
Total Cannabinoids per Serving 107.164 mg/serving
Density Test Result

0.9545 g/mL Tested 11/27/2023 Method: QSP 7870 - Sample Preparation

Learn more

The cannabis plant contains dozens of active compounds called cannabinoids. These compounds are the primary contributors to the psychoactive effects of cannabis.

Cannabinoid testing determines the potency of a sample to aid in dosage considerations.

Terpene analysis utilizing gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID).

Method: QSP 1192 - Analysis of Terpenoids by GC-FID


Total Terpenoids (mg/g): 8.215 mg/g

Total Terpenoids (%): 0.8215%

Dominant Terpenoids

Below are this sample's 3 most abundant terpenoids by volume.

  1. Myrcene 0.3761%

    A monoterpene with a fragrance that can be described as peppery, spicy, herbal, floral and woody. Although it has a pleasant odor, it is typically used by the perfume industry as precursor for developing other fragrances. Found in hops, houttuynia, bay, thyme, lemon grass, mango, verbena, cardamom, citrus...etc.

  2. Limonene 0.1600%

    A monoterpene with a fragrance that can be described as orangey, citrusy, sweet and tart. It is most commonly found in nature as D-Limonene and is a primary contributor to the distinct scent of orange peels, from which it is commonly derived. Found in numerous pines, red maple, silver maple, aspens, cottonwoods, hemlocks, sumac, cedar, junipers...etc.

  3. β-Caryophyllene 0.1114%

    A sesquiterpene with a fragrance that can be described as spicy, woody, dry, dusty and mildly sweet. It was one of the first organic compounds to fully synthesized in a laboratory and plays a role in the endocannabinoid system as it is a functional CB2 receptor agonist. Found in black pepper, clove, hops, rosemary, black-jack, perilla, spicebush, Indian pennywort, celery, frankincense, vitex, parsley, marigold, tamarind...etc.

Learn more

Terpenoid analysis is crucial for differentiating between strains of cannabis, as terpenoids have a major influence on the medical and psychological effects of a plant. The relationship between cannabinoids and terpeneoids is known as the "entourage effect."

Terpenoid Test Results


Result Views

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Compound LOD/LOQ
Myrcene 0.008 / 0.025 ±0.0376 3.761 0.3761
Limonene 0.005 / 0.016 ±0.0178 1.600 0.1600
β-Caryophyllene 0.004 / 0.012 ±0.0309 1.114 0.1114
β-Pinene 0.004 / 0.014 ±0.0028 0.310 0.0310
Linalool 0.009 / 0.032 ±0.0088 0.298 0.0298
α-Bisabolol 0.008 / 0.026 ±0.0122 0.294 0.0294
α-Humulene 0.009 / 0.029 ±0.0066 0.265 0.0265
α-Pinene 0.005 / 0.017 ±0.0010 0.147 0.0147
Fenchol 0.010 / 0.034 ±0.0035 0.115 0.0115
Guaiol 0.009 / 0.030 ±0.0038 0.104 0.0104
Terpineol 0.009 / 0.031 ±0.0044 0.092 0.0092
Nerolidol 0.006 / 0.019 ±0.0031 0.063 0.0063
Terpinolene 0.008 / 0.026 ±0.0005 0.030 0.0030
Δ3-Carene 0.005 / 0.018 ±0.0002 0.022 0.0022
α-Terpinene 0.005 / 0.017 N/A <LOQ <LOQ
Valencene 0.009 / 0.030 N/A <LOQ <LOQ
Caryophyllene Oxide 0.010 / 0.033 N/A <LOQ <LOQ
Camphene 0.005 / 0.015 N/A ND ND
Sabinene 0.004 / 0.014 N/A ND ND
α-Phellandrene 0.006 / 0.020 N/A ND ND
p-Cymene 0.005 / 0.016 N/A ND ND
Eucalyptol 0.006 / 0.018 N/A ND ND
β-Ocimene 0.006 / 0.020 N/A ND ND
γ-Terpinene 0.006 / 0.018 N/A ND ND
Sabinene Hydrate 0.006 / 0.022 N/A ND ND
Fenchone 0.009 / 0.028 N/A ND ND
Isopulegol 0.005 / 0.016 N/A ND ND
Camphor 0.006 / 0.019 N/A ND ND
Isoborneol 0.004 / 0.012 N/A ND ND
Borneol 0.005 / 0.016 N/A ND ND
Menthol 0.008 / 0.025 N/A ND ND
Nerol 0.003 / 0.011 N/A ND ND
Citronellol 0.003 / 0.010 N/A ND ND
Pulegone 0.003 / 0.011 N/A ND ND
Geraniol 0.002 / 0.007 N/A ND ND
Geranyl Acetate 0.004 / 0.014 N/A ND ND
α-Cedrene 0.005 / 0.016 N/A ND ND
trans-β-Farnesene 0.008 / 0.025 N/A ND ND
Cedrol 0.008 / 0.027 N/A ND ND
TOTAL 8.215 mg/g 0.8215%
Learn more

Terpenoid analysis is crucial for differentiating between strains of cannabis, as terpenoids have a major influence on the medical and psychological effects of a plant. The relationship between cannabinoids and terpeneoids is known as the "entourage effect."

Pesticide and plant growth regulator analysis utilizing high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).

*GC-MS utilized where indicated.

Method: QSP 1212 - Analysis of Pesticides and Mycotoxins by LC-MS or QSP 1213 - Analysis of Pesticides by GC-MS

Pesticide Test Results



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Compound LOD/LOQ
Abamectin 0.03 / 0.10 N/A ND
Azoxystrobin 0.02 / 0.07 N/A ND
Bifenazate 0.01 / 0.04 N/A ND
Bifenthrin 0.02 / 0.05 N/A ND
Boscalid 0.03 / 0.09 N/A ND
Chlorpyrifos 0.02 / 0.06 N/A ND
Cypermethrin 0.11 / 0.32 N/A ND
Etoxazole 0.02 / 0.06 N/A ND
Hexythiazox 0.02 / 0.07 N/A ND
Imidacloprid 0.04 / 0.11 N/A ND
Malathion 0.03 / 0.09 N/A ND
Myclobutanil 0.03 / 0.09 N/A ND
Permethrin 0.04 / 0.12 N/A ND
Piperonyl Butoxide 0.02 / 0.07 N/A ND
Propiconazole 0.02 / 0.07 N/A ND
Spiromesifen 0.02 / 0.05 N/A ND
Tebuconazole 0.02 / 0.07 N/A ND
Trifloxystrobin 0.03 / 0.08 N/A ND

Heavy metal analysis utilizing inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Method: QSP 1160 - Analysis of Heavy Metals by ICP-MS

Heavy Metals Test Results



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Compound LOD/LOQ
Arsenic 0.02 / 0.1 N/A ND
Cadmium 0.02 / 0.05 N/A ND
Lead 0.04 / 0.1 N/A ND
Mercury 0.002 / 0.01 N/A ND

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